A businessman reportedly was accosted by two would-be robbers at a bank’s
ATM machine early Tuesday morning, May 14, forcing the man to draw his
weapon to defend himself.
Sources tell REAL News that, at about 6:19 a.m., the near-victim entered the
ATM to transact some business. While inside, it is alleged that he was attacked
by two men who attempted to rob him.
In response, the sources claim, the businessman drew his licensed firearm,
causing the robbers to flee in a westerly direction down High Street.
The commotion in the ATM attracted the attention of persons who had lined
up outside another bank, on the opposite side of the street, to conduct early-
morning transactions.
Meanwhile, the sources add, the shaken businessman called the St. John’s
Police Station and made a report – forgetting that the Newgate Street location
has been closed, with operations relocated to Dredge Bay.
It is alleged that he was told there was no vehicle at the station to respond to
his call. And although he reportedly waited in the vicinity of the High Street
bank until after 8 a.m., up to that time no police officer had responded to his
The sources say such incidents – and the spike in crime, in general –
underscore the pressing need for the St. John’s Police Station to be brought
back into service.
Reportedly, it is now seven months since rehabilitation work on the landmark
buildings has been halted.