Jean Ann Panton, the former wealth advisor of Stocks and Securities Limites (SSL) who was slapped with multiple fraud charges recently in relation to the theft of billions of dollars from the investment accounts of more than 30 clients, was denied bail on Friday when she returned to the Supreme Court.
During the proceedings, her defence counsel, Tamika Harris, provided the court with an affidavit showcasing newspaper clippings detailing Panton’s illness. The attorney also presented two additional medical reports, which included a report from Panton’s orthopaedic surgeon.
Harris revealed that Panton suffers from diabetes and hypertension, chronic lumbar, hip and knee pain.
In addition, the attorney told the court that the medical reports spoke of a risk of infection, and her need for physiotherapy.
“I am not minded to grant her bail in this matter,” said Presiding judge Justice Lorna Shelly Williams.
Panton’s defence team also requested that she appear for the next court date via Zoom, however, this request was also denied by the judge.
The judge, however, noted that Panton’s defence team could make another bail application if they have additional information to present to the court.
Panton was remanded when appeared in the Supreme Court for the first time on Friday, February 17. Her attorney made an application for bail on medical grounds.
However, the judge was not satisfied with the application, pointing out that what was presented was lacking.
The Financial Investigations Division (FID) had reported that Panton was charged with breaches of the Larceny Act, the Proceeds of Crime Act (POCA), the Forgery Act and the Cyber Crimes Act.
The wealth adviser is accused of removing a total of US$10 million and J$90 million from a number of accounts managed by SSL.
Panton had signed a confession during interviews with her employees admitting to defrauding almost 40 customers of SSL.
Prior to charges being laid, Panton was interviewed by investigators in the presence of her attorney between February 14 and 16, after searches were conducted on two premises in the Corporate Area connected to her on January 20.