The daughter of a Cashew Hill woman came face-to-face with a knife-wielding intruder, who had broken into their home in the early hours of Friday, January 27, and stolen money.
Reportedly, the woman told police officers that her house had been burglarized by a male armed with a knife at about 4 a.m.
Further reports are that a 20-year-old female was in bed, sleeping, when she was awakened by a light in her face.
The young woman opened her eyes and saw a man, armed with a knife and fully masked, standing over her.
The intruder then reportedly told her to relax while he searched her room, after which he instructed her to remove articles of her clothing, which she did.
Reports say he then placed the knife on the dressing table and attempted to undress himself. But the intended victim took the opportunity to run from her room while shouting for help.
The armed intruder immediately fled the scene in a southern direction.
The young woman reportedly gave chase, but the man escaped.
The owner of the house said she was awakened by the screams of her daughter, and when she went to investigate she saw her chasing the intruder.
Apparently, before his attempts to sexually violate the young woman were thwarted, the man had managed to take $25 in cash from a table in a middle bedroom.
Reportedly there were no signs of forced entry; however, the intruder might have entered the home via a western kitchen door that was closed but not locked.
The perpetrator is described as being short and stocky and, at the time, was wearing a black hooded shirt, black pants, black gloves and a black face mask.