( Real News Antigua) The Police are investigating a wounding incident in which a Five
Islands man allegedly was stabbed multiple times by unknown
A report of the incident was made to the Grays Farm Police Station
by the victim himself, who went to the station with bleeding wounds
to his shoulder and abdomen.
He reportedly told the Police he had been stabbed with knives by
two unknown young men while on Federation Road, Grays Farm, at
about 8 p.m. on September 30.
Reports say the victim had been walking with his girlfriend when
they fell into an argument. It was during this disagreement that the
man was attacked and stabbed by two young men.
One of the attackers is described as being tall and skinny and the
other being short and dark.
The victim was issued with a Police Medical Form and given certain
instructions, a source says.
A search was also carried out for persons fitting the description
given by the victim, but without success.
Victim reports knife attack launched by unknown men during an argument with his girlfriend

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