March is a month of celebration for former Prime Minister, Dr. Winston Baldwin Spencer. On March 23, 2004 he was elected Antigua and Barbuda’s 3rd Prime Minister and served two terms. On March 8, 1989 Mr. Spencer was elected Member of Parliament for St. John’s Rural West, and served 6 terms before retiring in 2018.
In recognition of his legacy, the UPP St. John’s Rural West Constituency Branch will present the former Prime Minister with a Lifetime Achievement Award for his outstanding leadership and commitment to community development and uplifting lives.
An exciting weekend of activities is planned to honor Mr. Spencer’s legacy as leader of the UPP Sunshine Government.
Sat Mar 23 – A community social will be held at Pensioner’s Beach to commemorate the United Progressive Party’s victory.
Sun Mar 24 – Special Prayers and Praise, as part of the Morning Worship Service at the Greenbay Moravian Church, to celebrate the day Mr. Spencer was sworn in as Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda..
Current MP for St. John’s Rural West, Hon. Richard Lewis, a protégé of Mr. Spencer, will present the Lifetime Achievement Award. He describes Mr. Spencer as a man of integrity, authenticity and compassion.
“Mr. Spencer’s dedication to the people of St. John’s Rural West, will forever remain etched in the fabric of our community. He has demonstrated genuine care for the community and the importance of “putting people first.” His leadership, passion, and unwavering commitment to community development made him a pillar of strength for those around him. Mr. Spencer’s strong values and philosophy are still being manifested through the many social programs that were created by the UPP administration,” Lewis said.
Throughout the celebration events, several tributes will be paid to Mr. Spencer by community leaders and Party officials.
Mr. Spencer’s career in active politics spanned almost 30 years and supporters are encouraged to wear vintage T-Shirts and other attire from the Spencer campaign.
They are also encouraged to share memorabilia or photos as part of the nostalgia. Both weekend events are open to the public.