The victim, Shane Anthony, said:
“I want to show my face so that the staff can see that everything is alright with me. I’m still in good spirits, and I want everybody to know that I’m really happy for their genuine love and concern.”
The secretary who works in the principal’s office suffered injuries to the left side of his face while he was on the premises fixing the pipe which had broken the previous Friday.
Unable to address the issue immediately, he decided to come over on the weekend to fix it.
“So on Sunday afternoon around 03:00, I came here and started working on the plumbing,” Anthony said.
A teacher arrived a little later, which made him feel more comfortable on the premises. The repair was almost complete when he realized two men were standing behind him.
They asked for money, and in the process, he forgot about his phone, which had been beside him. As he lured them within range of the security camera, he suggested taking a walk in front of the office.
“As I was leading them around, one of them said”,
“But you’re taking us where the camera is.”
“I responded, Yes, I’m taking you where the camera is so that you won’t be seen.” He didn’t reply.
Gatia then said, “Okay, since you were asking for money, I opened my wallet and gave them $120.”
The young man asked for his phone and threatened to shoot him when he said he didn’t have one.
Anthony made a move to block both men’s hands, knocking them away.
However, one of them already had his hand on the trigger.
“As I knocked their hands, my head went down in line with the direction of the gun he was holding. It was only when I got back to the office that I realized I had been shot.”
After taking care of his injuries, Anthony returned to fix the pipe once the young man had left the premises.
Since he felt no pain at the time, he went back to the area. He then remembered that his phone had been beside him on the ground and noticed it was missing.
Later, he received medical treatment for the injuries at the Sir Lesterbird Medical Center and was discharged.