(Real News Antigua) The Police are investigating two sexual-offence reports, one in
which a toddler allegedly was molested by a known male.
It is alleged that an adult woman took the three-year-old child to the
Special Victims Unit (SVU) and reported that she had been sexually
assaulted by someone with whom she is familiar.
Officers are now investigating the incident of serious indecency
committed against the child, allegedly on September 19, having
reportedly obtained certain information from the victim in the
presence of her mother.
Meanwhile, another incident of indecent assault, involving a 24-
year-old woman, is also under investigation, by the Criminal
Investigations Department (CID).
Allegations are that the woman was indecently assaulted by a man
with whom she, too, is familiar, and that this offence occurred on
Nevis Street on September 9.
Commenting on the first report, one person tells REAL News that
only someone with a sick mind, or who is demon possessed, would
want to have any sexual contact with a child.
He believes men who molest young children, especially, should face
the full brunt of the law as a deterrent.
However, in recent times, the courts have been handing down what
are seen as paltry sentences for sexual offences – seemingly paying
no mind to the impact such criminal acts have on the victims,
particularly children, the person says.
Reports of two sexual offences – one involving assault of a toddler – are under police investigation
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