The Cabinet agreed that there was a need to closely revise and modernize the Rent Restriction Act. This piece of legislation was passed on 12th September 1947, and does not reflect the current realities of renting in Antigua and Barbuda. It has been observed that residents have expressed concerns with the rates being charged for rent by landlords, and also the difficulty landlords face in collecting rent from delinquent tenants. The intent therefore is to bring a sense of balance and fairness in the way in which rent is charged, and also to modernize mechanisms for landlords to be able to collect their rent. While the government agrees that the country operates a free market economy, the Cabinet agreed that there is a need to regulate this sector to ensure that there is fairness and equity. Moreover, it is desirable that the rate of increase in rent should be in line with the rate of inflation, and that rent ought not to be increased arbitrarily. To this end, the Rent Restriction Board is to be immediately put in place.