( Real News Antigua) Another incident involving the sexual molestation of an under-agedchild is being investigated by the Police.
This time, the allegation is serious indecency against a 10-year-old
Reports say that, on October 5, the child’s father took her to the
Special Victims Unit (SVU) and reported that she had been sexually
assaulted by a known adult male.
The alleged offence reportedly occurred between September 20 and
30 this year.
Over the past four weeks, there have been weekly allegations of
incidents involving minors under the age of 12, with two reportedly
involving an eight-year-old and a nine-year-old, respectively.
Residents are expressing great concern and wondering why adult
men are preying on such young children.
While the penalty for raping a child under the age of 12 could be life
imprisonment, no offender has ever been subjected to this sentence.
But some citizens are suggesting that the penalties related to other
sexual encounters with under-aged children should be drastically
increased, since these incidents, including rape, often have
psychological effects on the victims and leave them scarred for life.