( Real News Antigua) A Gray Hill woman came face to face with a masked intruder inside her home and was robbed of a substantial amount of money and jewelry. Reportedly, the unknown man made off with EC$4,000, US$200, three gold rings and a gold chain.
This offence reportedly occurred at about 4 a.m. on Monday, March 20.
According to official reports, the woman was sleeping in an eastern bedroom when she was awakened by a noise in the living room. When she got out of bed and went to investigate, she saw a man who was dressed in dark clothing; about 5’ 6” tall; slim in build; of a dark complexion; and wearing a cloth mask with holes cut out in the area of his eyes.
Allegedly, the intruder ordered the woman not to make any noise since he was not going to hurt her.
Reportedly, he then told her to follow him into her bedroom and he demanded money – which she informed him she did not have.
Apparently not believing her, he began to search through her personal items and found cash in her purse, which was located on a small shelf. He reportedly then took her jewelry from a dressing table in the bedroom.
After he made his escape through a living-room door, the woman immediately telephoned the Grays Farm Police Station and reported the incident.
Officers determined that the perpetrator had gained entry into the house through a partially open bathroom window. They searched the surrounding areas for the stolen items and any person fitting the description of the man, but without success.