In an effort to reduce costs, the government, burdened by a $1 million debt to a private security firm, plans to deploy trained Public Works staff for security duties at schools and public buildings.
Monitored cameras will also be installed to enhance protection. Information Minister Melford Nicholas highlighted that a substantial part of the government’s operating budget goes towards outsourcing security contracts.
To manage expenses, the government is considering reallocating Public Works personnel.
The legitimacy of the $1 million bill was confirmed after lawyers from the Ministry of Legal Affairs met with Cabinet officials.
The concern over security arose due to break-ins at school compounds and an armed incident at Clare Hall Secondary School.
Parents and teachers have called for better security measures.
Wilbur Purcell, head of Special Security Services, previously discussed arrears owed by the government, but it’s unclear if his company is the one referred to in the Cabinet notes.