( RealNews Antigua) An allegation of sexual harassment is being made against a senior police officer who reportedly is in charge of a station.
The claim comes from a junior officer, a female constable of 19
years’ service in the Force.
The victim has chronicled her experiences of sexual assault with the
offender – said to be an assistant commissioner – in a two-page
letter dated December 4, 2023.
It is alleged that the correspondence has been forwarded to the
Police Service Commission (PSC) and to Commissioner of Police
Atlee Rodney.
Reports say it has also been copied to Attorney-General Steadroy
“Cutie” Benjamin, who is in charge of national security and under
whose portfolio the Police fall.
A source tells REAL News that a senior officer has been calling on
the female constable to retract her letter – and has gone as far as
informing a certain agency that she has withdrawn her
correspondence, knowing that this is untrue.
According to the sources, directives have come from officials for the
Commissioner to investigate the allegations.
However, it appears this has not been done, as the senior officer is
still at this post, while the female officer has been transferred to a
country station.
Meanwhile, it is alleged that the senior officer in question has had
accusations made against him by at least two other female officers,
but nothing was done in either case.
The current alleged victim is terrified at what the senior officer
might do to her since she reported the matter to the Professional
Standards Unit and other officers.
She believes that her job is at risk – based on the lengths the officer
has gone to, and continues to go, and she is therefore contemplating
leaving the Force.
A source says this situation has tremendously impacted the female
officer, even forcing her to sell her vehicle because she thought she
was being followed.
Additionally, the continued sexual harassment and the victimization
have impacted her mental health, the source says.
She has been diagnosed with panic attacks and is now undergoing
counseling sessions.