(RealNews)A truck loaded with what were believed to be stolen goods was
stolen from the Langfords Police Station on the weekend, and the
Police are investigating the matter.
A senior police officer with a house under construction had reported
the theft of lumber and other building items from his worksite, REAL
News has learned.
As a result, officers reportedly went to a location last Tuesday,
August 22, and found a container and a truck packed with
construction materials and tools, including a generator.
It is alleged that the lawmen padlocked the container, but took the
truck and its contents to the Langfords Police Station as they
continued investigations.
However, reports say that between Friday night, August 25, and
early Saturday morning, August 26, someone went onto the station’s
compound and stole the truck with all its contents.
After officers realized that the truck had gone missing, they
reportedly made a check on the unguarded container – only to
discover that the padlock had been broken off and all the contents
Officers from the station are claiming that they stumbled upon the
thief – but lost him during the high-speed chase that ensued.
REAL News was told that a police constable made a report of the
incident. He allegedly claimed that, at about 4:12 a.m., while making
an entry in the diary about a check of the truck – which was parked
in the front of the station yard – he left the guard desk to use the
The junior officer allegedly reported that he then heard the sound of
a truck starting and went outside to look.
At this point, he reportedly observed that the truck was being driven
out of the station’s yard. It reportedly made a right turn onto the
Friars Hill Main Road, he said.
He claims that he quickly jumped into a police vehicle and gave
chase – carrying out searches in the area and in neighbouring
communities – but was unable to find the truck.
Skeptical residents are asking why the laden truck had not been
properly secured, and how someone had been able to get onto the
compound and steal it without a key.
One woman says, frankly, that she does not accept the constable’s
“bathroom story.” She believes the officers on duty were sleeping at
the time the truck was stolen and had to come up with an excuse.
Further, she is wondering how such a big truck, loaded with
construction materials, could have simply disappeared if the officer
gave chase immediately.
She says the officers were careless in leaving the items on the truck
without properly securing it and in leaving the container unguarded,
as well.