CID investigates fake Facebook profile on which AGHS students
were abused
Officials at the Antigua Girls High School (AGHS) and law-
enforcement officers are trying to determine who created a fake
profile using the school’s logo and made derogatory comments
about some students.
Reports are that the principal of the all-girls school made a
complaint to the Criminal Investigations Department (CID)
that some unknown person(s) had used the school’s logo without
authorization and had created an Instagram page titled “Exposing-
Accordingly, officers visited the school to conduct inquiries and
interviewed the principal, who reported that she was informed
about the Instagram page by AGHS students.
She had then viewed the the page, on which comments had been
made about some students, and determined them to be derogatory.
However, it appears that the page has since been removed.
Inquiries into this incident are in progress.
This offence reportedly was committed sometime between 1:30 p.m.
on November 8 and 8 a.m. on November 9.