(RealNews)An attack on a Browne’s Avenue woman resulted in the unnamed intruder being caught and beaten by fellow residents. Reportedly, the Bendals man is now in custody, assisting the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) with a probe into the incident.
Reports say the woman complained to officers that she had been wounded by the man, who had broken into her home on Sunday night, February 26, at about 10 p.m.
Police sources say she was issued a police medical form and was transported to the Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre’s Emergency Room, where she received treatment for a bleeding injury to her right ear.
Apparently, the woman had been in bed when she was alerted to the presence of an unknown man – dressed in a grey-and-white hooded shirt and a pair of khaki pants – in her room.
The intruder was said to be about 5 feet 7 inches in height, of a slim build, and had a mask covering his face.
Reports say the woman was then attacked and beaten about the body by the man, and sustained the wound to her ear in the process.
Further reports say that neighbours heard the commotion and went to the woman’s rescue. They grabbed and beat the intruder, who, a source says, was suspected of having gone to the victim’s home to sexually violate her.
The source says the villagers remain very angry about the incident since there have been reports of rapes in the neighbouring Golden Grove community.
Meanwhile, reports say the Bendals man was arrested on suspicion of wounding [the woman] that same night.
The alleged offender complained to the police that he had been beaten about the body by several unknown males and reportedly had sustained injuries to both knees.
He, too, was issued with a police medical form and transported to the hospital. He was seen and examined by a doctor, who reported that his injuries were not life threatening.
Accordingly, the suspect was treated, discharged and later transported to the St. John’s Police Station.