(CABINETNOTES)The Prime Minister provided a report on his recent official travel to Brussels, Oxford University, and France. In Brussels, the discussion revolved around Visa-free entry into Europe, bearing in mind that Dominica has lost Visa-free travel into the UK; although Antigua and Barbuda has demonstrated a very high-level of due diligence under its CIP programme, there was displayed a certain hostility to the countries in the Caribbean that all have CIP programmes.
ii. At Oxford University, the Prime Minister addressed more than 350 post–graduate students on subjects such as trade, bank de-risking, climate change, the multidimensional vulnerability index, and the role of multilateral institutions in bringing relief to Small Island Developing State (SIDS) racked by natural disasters.
iii. In France, the Prime Minister met with the Secretary General of UNESCO (United Nations Education Science and Cultural Organization). Several places in Antigua have been declared World Heritage sites and resources are expected to flow to Antigua to help preserve these important, historical places. The Prime Minister also met with the Former Prime Minister of France who spoke to the failure on the part of many Caribbean countries to promote the Culinary Arts. There was a discussion in the Cabinet led by the Minister of Tourism, who indicated that Restaurant Week is another step in ensuring that Antiguan and Barbudan food is marketed to nationals and visitors alike, and are also promoted at several hotels to improve the visitor experience.