After nearly two decades of service, Ambassador Diann Black Layne, the driving force behind the country’s Climate Change and sustainable development initiatives, is stepping down.
Director of the Department of the Environment, Black Layne has been a key figure for 16 years, witnessing significant growth in the climate change movement during her tenure.
“With the role came many challenges and the development of numerous programs such as the adaptation and green climate funds,” Black Layne said. “I was involved in operationalizing the adaptation fund and worked with G77 and China. I also played a key role in the Green Climate Fund, from its design and drafting to negotiations.”
As climate negotiations shift towards justice and legal frameworks, Black Layne feels it is time for a new leader.
Ruleta Camacho-Thomas, the newly appointed Ambassador for Environmental Affairs, brings extensive experience as the former deputy director of the environment department.
“I’ve worked with her before, and I think she’ll be excellent. She has all the technical knowledge and understands the cross-section. She’s passionate about this work,” Black Layne said.
Black Layne will officially step down in July.