On Friday evening, 15 March 2024, the ABLP held a primary election among three candidates in the All Saints West Constituency, in order to determine who among the aspirants would become the caretaker representative of the Party, leading to scheduled general elections in 2028.
The three ABLP candidates were: Comrade Regis Burton, Comrade Lamin Newton, and Comrade Ary Simon. The results of the primary election were tabulated last evening, and Mr. Lamin Newton received more votes than the other two candidates.
The Executive of the ABLP will meet next Friday, 22 March 2024, to affirm the results of the Primary and to ratify the choice of Comrade Lamin as the caretaker candidate.
There is great anticipation and excitement among the party faithful, knowing that the comrade-candidates have all pledged support for the winner, and that victory in the All Saints West Constituency is assured.