The Cabinet took the decision to add a Reverse Osmosis Plant at Five Islands to supply potable water to the growing student population, faculty and staff as the University expands. Such a plant will also supply potable water to the hotels in that area and neighbouring communities. It is estimated that in five years, the population of the UWI Five Islands Campus will likely exceed 5,000 students. The demand for water will then increase significantly. The existing and new hotels that are planned for the area would also demand additional gallons of potable water, daily.
6.i. The firm from Trinidad and Tobago that is to supply 2 million gallons of reverse osmosis water daily is already in Antigua, constructing the two Reverse Osmosis Plants. It is estimated that by April 30, 2024, the additional water will begin to flow to consumers. This company will build, own, operate, and then transfer (BOOT) the plants to APUA after a fixed number of years.